Hardcore porn pops up on Washington Post and other mainstream media sites

The source was a defunct video-hosting site named Vidme, whose domain was taken over by 5 Star Porn HD

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      Porn is probably not what billionaire owner Jeff Bezos wanted to see on the electronic version of his newspaper, the Washington Post.

      But that happened this week not only on the Post's site, but also on the Huffington Post and New York Magazine sites.

      According to VICE, the source was a defunct video-hosting site, which was "flooding normal websites with hardcore porn".

      VICE reported that 5 Star Porn HD bought the domain for Vidme, which briefly competed with YouTube.

      "Seemingly any vid.me embeds now redirect to the 5 Star Porn HD homepage," wrote VICE reporters Matthew Gault and Jason Koebler. "The site vid.me also redirects there."

      A Twitter account named DOXIE dished up the details.

